Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Anime Gallery

Thursday, March 28, 2013


oh, hello there (waves hand)
so long time not update
but anime freak still continue watch anime as usual~
so, i already watched Blood -C
this anime is totally AWESOME
for who likes the supernatural though~
but it so sad and sometimes i watched it with mad
but saya kisaragi, the main
is totally COOL
when fought with MONSTERS
this anime is not suitable for children
because it is too much blood and creepy
for the person that don't like
i suggest u don't watch this unless u interest in it
i reccomend those who will love this
happy watching
tata xD

Saturday, March 16, 2013

thanks friends for helping me out :)

hello there~
first of all~
thank you so much to my friend ain, for helping me out manage this blog
although it was new, i hope i can manage it 
as i opened it..
there is weird song duhh~ and must change blablabla~
but actually i don't have any idea about it and i don't know either ._.
but, readers, hope u can wait because this blog under maintanence
i appreciated it for your kind of waiting~ >.<"

Saturday, March 2, 2013

sorry for a long time hiatus

hello everyone
long time no update
totally sorry >.<"
i had changed my blog
so, right now i'm still learning about it
by the way
thanks for following me :D
i will update step by step
as long the connection won't be like siput anymore
i have to go...
i am so tired lately
ja nee minna