hye everyone!!! :3
i have in a good mood now
so, this is about manga!
of course you likeeee
since i was a manga freak, then i think
i should talk about manga too
i know it is too late since i always say about anime to watch
so this time i reccomend to you to read this manga
title: Cinta Di Hutan Kelip-Kelip
*Malay Version*
*japanese version*
so this is the synopsis
Kisah seorang budak perempuan - Hotaru, yang tersesat jauh ke dalam Hutan Yamakimi, 'Hutan Dewa Gunung'. Di situ dia terjumpa dengan seorang remaja lelaki. Sungguhpun mereka tidak dapat bersentuhan, namun perasannya terhadap budak lelaki tu...
so short right?
if u want to
go to bookstore or newspaper shop to buy it :p
The story of a girl, Hotaru, who got lost in Yamakami, 'the God of the Mountain' forest. There, she met a man. Even though they couldn't touch each other, but her feelings towards him...
this is the english synopsis
i reccomend this to you manga lovers
because this manga is the best
for a crying girl like me *lol*
if u like the stories that full of sad scene
this is the best way to choose this manga
i hope u will enjoy it like me :3
the author of this manga is Yuki Midorikawa a.k.a Midorikawa Yuki
the same person that create Natsume Yuujinchou!!!
i really2 want to watch this anime
but sadly it was like this
*the people who always
like this (me)*
when it come to this
yeah, kills me sometime
but i hope i have time to watch the anime :)
Natsume Yuujinchou
happy reading everyone XD
p/s: this is not about anime but Manga, hope u understand :3